Overall Attendance for the Academic Year 2024-2025 is 95.4%
In order for children to achieve their full potential, it is essential that they attend school regularly. The expectation is that children will attend for at least 96% of the time, taking into account illness (this is the equivalent of having 8 days of absence in total over the year).
Our school day begins at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm. This applies to all year groups from Reception class to Year 6. This amounts to a total of 32.5 hours per week.
If a child’s attendance becomes a concern we will inform parents/carers via letter, email or conversation (see Attendance Policy). Following this, our school Attendance Lead or the Head Teacher will meet with parents/carers to support them to ensure that the child is in school regularly. We may make referrals to relevant support services if needed. If, after a period of monitoring, progress is not made, the Local Authority Educational Support department will be informed so that the process of legal action can begin.
Leave of absence or holidays in term time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances in line with the regulations issued by the Department for Education. If parents/carers still decide to take their child out of school for a holiday, this could lead to the issuing of a fixed penalty notice of £80 per child per parent/carer which increases to £160 if not paid within the first 21 days.
Holiday in Term Time - Parents Leaflet
In-school Attendance Incentives
Each week, classes are awarded points in the attendance ‘league’ and these points are shared in assembly. The five top attending classes are rewarded with points which are added over the half-term to form a total. The two classes with highest points win an additional playtime. The points are given as follows: 5 points for the highest attendance (1st place), 4 points for 2nd place, 3 points for 3rd place, 2 points for 4th place and 1 point for 5th place.
Please see below to find out the current standings for this half-term:
Class |
Last Week's Attendance |
Overall Points for Half-term |
Reception A | 98.8% | 4 |
Reception B | 95.6% | 5 |
Year 1A | 97.3% | 3 |
Year 1B | 89.0% | 7 |
Year 2 | 97.0% | 6 |
Year 3 | 91.3% | 7 |
Year 3/4 | 90.0% | 0 |
Year 4 | 96.3% | 2 |
Year 5A | 92.3% | 5 |
Year 5B | 99.2% | 6 |
Year 6 |
95.2% | 0 |
Star Suite | 95.0% | 10 |
Autumn Term A Winners
STAR Suite and Year 3
Autumn Term B Winners
Year 5b, Year 3 and Year 3/4
Spring Term A Winners
Year 3
Spring Term B Winners
Summer Term A Winners
Summer Term B Winners