Wardley Primary School
Keir Hardie Avenue, Wardley, Gateshead, NE10 8TX

Call Us 0191 469 3012

E-mail Us wardleyprimaryschool@gateshead.gov.uk

Wardley Primary School

Work Together, Believe and Achieve

A very warm welcome...

At Wardley Primary, we are committed to creating a supportive environment, built on care and respect, in which all children are encouraged to believe in themselves and aspire to be the best that they can be.

We are an inclusive school in which adults share the highest expectations of all children. Across all areas of learning, we endeavour to build upon the children's individual personal strengths in order to allow them to fulfil their potential. We want every one of our pupils to believe in their own success, through the promotion of self-belief and determination.

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  • Great teaching, great communication and a lovely warm, safe atmosphere. (Parent Survey 2024)
  • Wardley is an inclusive, caring and supportive school where pupils get the help they need to achieve well. (Ofsted 2022)
  • Good variety of sports and different activities offered after school. (Parent Survey 2024)
  • The teachers seem to genuinely care about the pupil's progress. The school is a very welcoming, supportive and safe environment. (Parent Survey 2024)
  • Leaders have created a safe and happy place for pupils to learn. (Ofsted 2022)
  • The staff go above and beyond to get to know the children as individuals and ensure their education is tailored to suit. (Parent Survey 2024)
  • A good variety of sports and different activities are offered after school. (Parent Survey 2024)

Latest News from Wardley

Year 6 PSHE In PSHE this week, the children have been learning about the dangers of smoking and vaping. To showcase their knowledge, the children created poster highlighting the dangers.
Speech and Language Award We are proud to have received a Speech and Language Award from Gateshead Health
World Book Day 1b Year 1b went to lots of effort to dress up as something from their favourite non-fiction books on World Book Day. We spent some of the day enjoying stories and creating our own non-fiction book all about animal that break world records! Following this, we went to Waterstones last week to spend our book tokens. The staff read us a story, challenged us to a scavenger hunt and helped us explore the range of books.
Year 6 visit Nissan On Monday, Year 6 visited Nissan for the Monozukuri Caravan event. Throughout the day, the children learned about the origins of Nissan and its roots as a Japanese company. They discovered which cars are produced at the Sunderland plant and how many are made there each year.

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